Relaxation Classes 

Relaxation Classes 

Do you start your week feeling low on motivation, high on stress, tired and uninspired? 
Most of us lug around last week's intentions to make changes e.g., to eat healthier, exercise more, start or complete something important, e.g., a financial/important task, a project, or a conversation, ending up distracted with daily life and getting nothing done. The internal chatter that makes a promise to start tomorrow, next week and when next week arrives the excuses tend to follow close behind. 
Mindset Reset isn't just another relaxation class. It's much more than that. 
It's a space for you to make your own, without distraction, placing the focus on you, learning to set down the weight of stress, anxiety or worry and to relax, releasing the mind clutter and resetting the dial to power up some energy and motivation to shift, sort and level up on the priorities, the wants, needs, the dreams and desires. 
If nothing changes, nothing changes. Make the change that you want to see in your life by clicking the Book Now link. 
Give it a try... You've nothing to lose and perhaps much to gain. 
Best wishes, 

Mental Wellbeing 

Mental Wellbeing 

To be happy and healthy, most of us know that we need to get a good night’s sleep, eat healthily and exercise. 
However, very few of us realise just how important human interaction is to our overall mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 
After all we have basic human primal needs, and being part of a ‘tribe’ is essential to our overall well being; it makes us feel safe and secure, it helps us cope better with everyday life, we feel more motivated and are less anxious when we interact with others. 

Thank you so much 

Thank you so much 

"I loved last night’s session! Definitely going back next week. Thank you so much Wendy, you have such a gift. I feel totally relaxed and refreshed." 
- Lucy, South Gloucestershire 

Live in the Moment 

Live in the Moment 

Studies show that "feeling connected" to others strengthens immunity, lower levels of anxiety and depression, improves self esteem and compassion, to name just a few of the benefits. 
We humans have a tendency to obsess over the past and worry about the future (instead of simply living in the moment), and too much time alone can have significant mental and physical health consequences as it allows time to overthink, over worry and over stress. 

How can meditation help tackle loneliness? 

How can meditation help tackle loneliness? 

The benefits of meditation are significant. In particular, how it can help reduce the feelings associated with loneliness and isolation. Meditation ‘teaches’ the brain to overcome loneliness. 
Let's think back to when we felt at our happiest? For most of us, those precious times spent with friends and family quickly come to mind. 
Whether we are playing games, eating, drinking, talking, or laughing with our loved ones, the natural human connection we feel anchors our awareness firmly into the present (...instead of worrying and obsessing when we're alone). 

Valuable 'me' time 

Valuable 'me' time 

"I thoroughly enjoy Wendy’s meditation classes. She guides you through the whole way, especially if you are new. It gives you the opportunity to get out of the ‘rat race’ and have some valuable ‘me’ time, without feeling guilty about it." 
- Sherilyne, Gloucestershire 

Breaking Old Patterns 

Breaking Old Patterns 

While the very best cure for loneliness is a strong social network* and a loving family, this isn't possible for everybody. 
*Social network does not refer to Social Media as, conversely, studies have shown that spending an excessive amount of time on Facebook can cause feelings of disconnection, loneliness and isolation. 
Neuroscientists believe that our brains generate more than 50,000 thoughts per day and, for many of us, these thoughts are useless, fear based and outdated internal dialogue that bear no relevance to us in the here and now ~ the ‘present moment’. 
The same old same old repetitive thoughts about not being good enough, feeling inadequate, incapable, hopeless and unloved create a fog that sends us in to a downward spiral, creating stress, anxiety and depression. 

Benefits of Meditation 

Benefits of Meditation 

Meditation quiets and stills the mind. It teaches you to be aware and mindful of your thoughts, your inner dialogue, as it moves the power away from the busy-ness of your ‘primitive’ mind. 
This allows your mind to slow right down and eventually invites a calm yet equally powerful ability to open up the door to a healthier way of thinking and feeling, which invites an opportunity to explore new opportunities to engage in social activities. 

Get Involved 

Get Involved 

My meditation classes are friendly, welcoming and informal. You do not need to have any experience, as the focus is on quieting the mind and relaxing. Anyone can meditate. 
Please follow the link to join my MindSpace FB Group where I offer live guided meditative visualisations every Tuesday evening at 7pm. 

Want to take the first step towards a 'happier you'? 


Want to take the first step towards a 'happier you'? 

Booking a session couldn't be easier. Simply use the enquiry form or get in touch via the contact details below.